Faculty Evaluations
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Professor Dvornikov was such a kind-hearted professor that truly cared for each of his students! I attended his six-week course for Physics 272, which in itself, is quite a difficult course. He had everything planned out on his syllabus and was very organized with the class. He offers extra credit and a curve. Tests were just like reviews!
PHYS272 is a really tough class, but Alex does his best to make sure all his students understand the material. Holds weekly help sessions, which I would highly recommend. Most of the lectures consisted of deriving equations rather than going over examples. Definitely need a bit of knowledge on calculus and differential equations before this class.
Alex is very available for students and his lectures are interesting. He relates the material to real-world scenarios which makes it easier to learn and apply the concepts. He also pauses during lectures to gauge if we are following along or have any questions. I really enjoyed his class.
Quite a good lecturer. Appreciates feedback on his teaching as well as the course in general. Grading was based primarily on exams which were very generous, and he gave ample extra credit opportunities. Very easy professor who prioritized developing a deeper understanding and love of physics.
Very good professor. Physics is a hard subject and Alex understands that. He tries his best to keep everybody on the same page. Lots of calculus and derivations of equations during lectures. Try your best to understand the equations/concepts and Alex will try his best to push you to the finish line. Offers a lot of extra credit. Quiz every week.
An incredible professor. His lectures were a bit confusing to me since I’m not the most organized but they do help. He does LOTS of derivations of key equations, lets you know to keep the most important things too. Lots of EC opp’s and SUPER available for office hours, if you ask he’ll give as much help as possible especially for upcoming exams.
Very passionate about the subject and clearly enjoys teaching the material! Recommend to read thru the textbook before lectures as sometimes he’ll go a bit in depth, deriving a lot of equations mathematically. Class was confusing and difficult at times but looking back on it, made me appreciate E&M more. Also gives a ton of EC opportunities!
By far my favorite professor I’ve had at UHM so far. The material in this class is hard to grasp, and he recognizes that by taking time to answer all questions thoroughly, he gives lots of extra credit, is always available with his OH’s, and his exams are just like his reviews. If you have the chance to take physics with him, do it !!
A great teacher who is excited to teach. However, be prepared as physics isn’t the easiest subject. Most of the time you deal with conceptual things, but Alex does a good job at explaining thoroughly. As someone who always sucked at physics, this class was a lifesaver. Would recommend.
Alex is very passionate about physics and he’s always excited to talk about it. You’d be in a good shape if you read the textbook ahead because his lectures are fast. I thought he’s sarcastic at the beginning but he’s actually very nice, understanding, and caring once you talk to him. Make sure to attend lectures before exams.
Alex is definitely one of the best teachers I could’ve asked for. He offered his help so much and provided us with a lot of feedback and made us feel comfortable with not knowing and coming forward in asking questions. He’d try and explain in many different ways to make sure we understood. One of the best teachers ever.
Alex is great instructor!! Very helpful and makes sure we all understand the lesson. He’s very patient and never gets tired of all my stupid questions. I love that! Alex was incredibly helpful and the labs weren’t too difficult or confusing. It was a great course.
Alex is very helpful and very caring. My group was usually the last one to finish and passed the class time. He would wait for us to finish the lab and never complained about waiting.
He’s understanding, helps us learn, makes sure we understand everything, and he’s cute! I had no clue that was how he spelled his name (Olexiy). Great lab prof :)
Alex was passionate about the subject and teaching.
Alex is absolutely wonderful. He’s very helpful, friendly, and flexible.
Alex is a very smart teacher. He explained concepts not simply related to the class and made abstract ideas as simple as possible. His passion for physics shows in his teaching.
Alex was very nice and approachable and answered our questions warmly. His grading was very fair.
Alex extensively helped in and out of class.
Amazing lab instructor. Really knowledgeable, kind, funny, and cares about his students.
Would definitely take a class with Alex again! He made class enjoyable.
Super nice, always grades fairly, tells us exactly what to do.
Alex is engaging and very interesting.
Alex was great for his first time teaching. Physics is very complex and he taught to the best of his abilities.
Honestly one of the best TA’s, I wish he’d teach Summer Session 2!! Great guy. I liked how he always asked us what we learned in lecture so he could help us brush up the subject.
I had a good time. Alex did a very good job of explaining and helping us with very complicated and hard to understand lab instructions.
Alex tried his best to help. He is extremely smart and I wouldn’t have understood many parts of the labs without him.
Alex is a great. He’s willing to answer all and any questions, even if he already answered them. He’s very patient and explains in detail so that it’s understandable for all.
Alex grades fast and explains the concepts thoroughly.
Alex is a great TA. Very helpful. He helped students whenever they were struggling and provided his own examples and experiences to help us understand the concepts. I’m not good at physics, but I learned more in this hands on lab.
Great teacher; passionate and knowledgeable; very helpful; showed concern for all his students.
Alex was very enthusiastic in helping us learn and creating a fun environment.
Alex is great. Very kind and helpful.
Alex made class interesting and fun. Always willing to answer questions and help with the lab!
Alex effectively taught me and the rest of the students how to do some of the more ambiguous aspects of certain labs. He is a skillful instructor that seems to genuinely care about teaching us. He is the best lab instructor I’ve ever had.
Alex was able to explain material that was un-comprehensible to his students very clearly.
Alex was friendly, helpful, and available for office hours.
Alex helps us a lot during the lab. He gives mini lectures so we know what we are doing. He is amazing.
Alex is pleasant and great.
Alex was very approachable, patient, and always answered any questions.
Alex definitely helped me a lot! Since our lab was on a Monday, we hardly touched the lab subjects in lecture so he would go over the main concepts.
He was a nice teacher and helped especially when we needed it. He often stayed overtime and waited for us to finish.
This class was very enjoyable. Although the concepts were tough, Alex always explained everything clearly.
He’s very good at helping his student understand the subject.
This course was challenging on certain days, but I loved it. Alex was very helpful and explained every lab thoroughly before continuing. He went around the room to help anyone who had questions.
Great at simplifying and explaining the relevance of the lab performed. Patient, able to deal with all personalities. Useful office hours.
Alex was a great teacher and was very patient in explaining the complexities of physics. He’s the best physics lab instructor ever. Helped so much and was always available. Really wanted students to succeed.
He’s very helpful and clear when explaining the lab for the day!
I loved having Alex as a TA. Great teacher, very helpful.
I hope to work with him again sometime in the future.
Alex was really cool and helpful during the labs. Great guy.
Alex definitely conveyed proficiency in physics and helped at any moment with not only the labs, but anything concerning physics.
Very helpful and really cool.
Loved Alex.
Loved the class, loved Alex. He’s very smart and helpful.
Made lab fun and helped with any problems I may have had.
He was great!
Alex is a super cool guy who advanced my knowledge of physics. When he’d explain things, they often went over my head since he went about them in a different way than I did.
Great teacher; took time to answer all our questions; very helpful.
He’s a fantastic instructor. Friendly, receptive, extremely knowledgeable.
He clearly knows his stuff. Alex is an amazing teacher and helped me work through any blocks. I really appreciated that he made physics not scary!
I liked Alex’s vibe and dedication. He knew his material and helped us out whenever we got stuck.
He is a really nice guy. Give him a raise.
Alex is very knowledgeable, super helpful and patient. Quite an amicable person. Alex really understood the material. He was very helpful, always quick, and extremely efficient with time. He presented everything really clearly and thoroughly.
Alex gave new perspectives on problems so that they can be solved without constantly asking for help.
He engaged the class and was very attentive. He would go around and help, ask, answer questions, and share fun facts relevant to the material.
Alex is an amazing TA. If we were not understanding something, he’d explain until we were able to comprehend. He also made it known that, if we needed help in lecture, his door would always be open during office hours. I appreciated his help so much and thank him. One of the best TA’s I have had.